
Papers in Preparation

  1. A Multi-Kernel Correntropy Approach for Invariant Kalman Filtering: Theory and Application
    Chongyi Zhong, Wanlei Li, Shilei Li*, Yichen Liang
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, In Progress , 2025.

  2. Variational Robust Student's t-Based Kalman Filter
    Shilei Li, Dawei Shi*, Hao Yu, Wanlei Li, Ling Shi
    Automatica, In Progress , 2025.

  3. Lie-algebra Learning for Mobile Robots Tracking Control with Model Uncertainty
    Jiawei TANG, Nachuan Yang, Shuang Wu, Shilei Li*, Dawei Shi, Ling Shi
    Submitted to 2025 IEEE 21st International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering , Under Review, 2025.

  4. Lie-algebra Adaptive Tracking Control for Rigid Body Dynamics
    Jiawei Tang, Shilei Li*, Ling Shi
    IEEE Control System Letters, Under Review , 2025.

  5. Bias-Variance Trade-off in Kalman Filter-Based Disturbance Observers
    Shilei Li, Dawei Shi*, Xiaoxu Lyu, Jiawei Tang, Ling Shi
    Automatica, Under Review , 2024.

  6. A Secure Estimator with Gaussian Bernoulli Mixture Model
    Xingzhou Chen, Nachuan Yang, Peihu Duan, Shilei Li*, Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Under Review , 2024.

  7. Multi-Kernel Correntropy Smoother for 6D Foot Motion Tracking with Inertial Sensors
    Shilei Li, Dawei Shi*, Yunjiang Lou, Chenglong Fu, Lisheng Kuang, Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Under Review , 2024.

  8. Improved Extended Kalman Filter-Based Disturbance Observers for Exoskeletons
    Shilei Li, Dawei Shi*, Yang Ning, Hongpeng Zhou, Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Under Review , 2024.

  9. State Estimation for Large-Scale Event-Based Sensor Arrays
    Xinhui Liu, Dawei Shi*, Shilei Li, Ling Shi
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Under Review , 2024.

  10. On the Effects of Modeling Errors on Distributed Continuous-time Filtering
    Xiaoxu Lyu, Shilei Li*, Dawei Shi, Ling Shi
    Automatica, Provisionally accepted as Brief Paper , 2024.

Journal Papers

  1. Online Trajectory Generation with Variable Geometry Stair Ascent for Powered Exoskeleton
    Fan Zhang, Ling Shi, Shilei Li*
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) , accepted, Sep. 2024.

  2. Multi-kernel Correntropy-based Orientation Estimation of IMUs: Gradient Descent Methods
    Shilei Li, Lijing Li, Dawei Shi*, Yunjiang Lou, Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , accepted, Oct. 2023.

  3. Multi-kernel Correntropy Regression: Robustness, Optimality, and Application on Magnetometer Calibration
    Shilei Li, Yunjiang Lou*, Dawei Shi, Lijing Li, Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering , accepted, Oct. 2023.

  4. Generalized Multi-kernel Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter for Disturbance Estimation
    Shilei Li, Dawei Shi*, Yunjiang Lou, Wulin Zou, Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , full paper, accepted, Sep. 2023.

  5. Compact Maximum Correntropy-Based Error State Kalman Filter for Exoskeleton Orientation Estimation, PDF.
    Shilei Li, Peihu Duan*, Dawei Shi, Wulin Zou, Pu Duan and Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 913-920, Mar. 2023.

  6. Preference-based Assistance Map Learning with Robust Adaptive Oscillators, PDF.
    Shilei Li*, Wulin Zou, Pu Duan and Ling Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1000-1009, Nov. 2022.

  7. Robust Admittance Control for Human Arm Strength Augmentation with Guaranteed Passivity: A Complementary Design, PDF.
    Wulin Zou, Xiang Chen, Shilei Li, Pu Duan, Ningbo Yu* and Ling Shi
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH), vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 5936-5947, Dec. 2022.

  8. Multi-kernel Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter for Orientation Estimation, PDF.
    Shilei Li*, Lijing Li, Dawei Shi, Wulin Zou, Pu Duan and Ling Shi
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 6693-6700, July 2022.

  9. Multi-kernel Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter, PDF.
    Shilei Li *, Dawei Shi, Wulin Zou and Ling Shi
    IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), vol. 6, pp. 1490-1495, 2022.

  10. Bio-inspired real-time prediction of human locomotion for exoskeletal robot control, PDF.
    Pu Duan, Shilei Li, Zhuoping Duan, Yawen Chen
    Applied Sciences, vol 7, no. 11, 2017.

  11. Motion prediction and delay compensation for improved teleoperation of an exoskeletal robot, PDF.
    Pu Duan, Zhuoping Duan, Shilei Li , Yawen Chen
    Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol 10, no. 2, 2018.

Conference Papers

  1. Event-triggered learning of Euler-Lagrange systems: A Koopman operator framework
    Kaikai Zheng, Dawei Shi, Shilei Li, Yang Shi
    Proceedings of 2024 Conference on Decision and Control, Allianz MiCo, Italy, 2024.

  2. Multi-kernel Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter for Orientation Estimation
    Shilei Li, Lijing Li, Dawei Shi, Wulin Zou, Pu Duan and Ling Shi
    Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, 2023.

  3. Multi-Kernel Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter
    Shilei Li, Dawei Shi, Wulin Zou, and Ling Shi
    Proceedings of 2022 American Control Conference, Atlanta, American, 2022.

  4. A Decoupled Complementary Design Framework for Robust Tracking Control
    Wulin Zou, Fan Zhang, Pu Duan, Shilei Li *
    Proceedings of 2024 IES online annual conference, 2024.

  5. Topology Planning for LEO Satellites Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Chang He, Wei Liu, Zhengbi Yong, Zhiyuan Xu, Qihao Zhou, Shilei Li * , Dawei Shi
    Proceedings of 2024 IES online annual conference, 2024.

  6. Multi-Objective Admittance Control: An LMI-Based Method
    Wulin Zou, Xiang Chen, Shilei Li, Pu Duan, Ningbo Yu, Ling Shi
    Proceedings of 2022 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, pp. 754-759, Guilin, China, 2022.


  1. 行走辅助设备及控制方法(发明), PDF.
    李石磊, 张征亚, 段璞,梁哲,东人
    专利号: ZL 2017 1 1086020. 5